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Explore how Care Fertility makes family possible with compassionate care and world-leading expertise.
Professor Alison CampbellSep 241 min read

Ethnic diversity in egg and sperm donors. The UK situation and availability at Care Fertility.

We know how important it is to be able to offer ethnic diversity and choice to our ...
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Care Fertility TeamSep 245 min read

Everything you need to know about donating your eggs

Are you considering donating your eggs? Helping someone else to have a family of their ...
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Audrey DearingSep 242 min read

About Blastocysts...

A blastocyst is the stage the embryo reaches after 5 days in culture from the egg ...
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Care Fertility TeamSep 241 min read

What happens at egg collection?

Egg collection is a minor procedure that normally takes no more than 15 minutes to ...
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Care Fertility TeamMar 244 min read

What to Expect When You're Expecting, Through Surrogacy

National Surrogacy Week is a week-long celebration of UK surrogacy. At Care, we believe ...
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Care Fertility TeamMar 242 min read

Why Should I Consider PGT-A in my IVF Treatment?

Why should I consider PGT-A in my IVF treatment? Our teams have pioneered genetic testing ...
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Care Fertility TeamMar 242 min read

Top 5 questions people ask about IVF

We understand that you will likely have a lot of questions when you're thinking about ...
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Care Fertility TeamMar 241 min read

The best care for your frozen embryos, eggs or sperm

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Care Fertility TeamSep 233 min read

What will happen at my Embryo Transfer?

Following fertilisation of your eggs and culture of your embryos in the laboratory, your ...
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