World DNA Day
25 April is International DNA Day—a day to reflect on the 70th anniversary of the ...
Careunity: identifying a cause of miscarriage (and other pregnancy complications)
Over 10 years ago, Care Fertility became interested in the discovery of a new gene ...
How we select your best embryos with Caremaps-AI®
As has been done for decades in the field of IVF, we grade each and every embryo in the ...
DNA and how it relates to IVF treatment
Audrey Dearing, Principal Genetic Counsellor across the Care Fertility group, explains ...
Oxidative Stress: the main cause of sperm DNA damage
Why Should I Consider PGT-A in my IVF Treatment?
Why should I consider PGT-A in my IVF treatment? Our teams have pioneered genetic testing ...
Why do embryos fragment and how does it affect the chance of success?
Fragmentation is very common in human embryos and occurs in embryos that grow inside the ...