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Care Fertility Team

We are putting the Care into Fertility, and promise to do everything in our power to make your dream come true.

Blog Post by Care Fertility Team

Care Fertility TeamSep 241 min read

IVF with donor eggs: step by step

We know that choosing to have IVF with donor eggs is a big step, and that there are lots ...
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Care Fertility TeamSep 242 min read

Why choose Care Manchester

As the Medical Director of Care Manchester I am proud and delighted to announce that we ...
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Care Fertility TeamSep 244 min read

Why I wanted to donate my eggs

When Claire held her little boy in her arms for the first time, it was the completion of ...
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Care Fertility TeamSep 242 min read

Careunity: identifying a cause of miscarriage (and other pregnancy complications)

Over 10 years ago, Care Fertility became interested in the discovery of a new gene ...
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Care Fertility TeamSep 242 min read

Acupuncture for Fertility

Though there is some debate over the benefits of acupuncture for fertility, some patients ...
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Care Fertility TeamSep 246 min read

How we select your best embryos with Caremaps-AI®

As has been done for decades in the field of IVF, we grade each and every embryo in the ...
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Care Fertility TeamSep 241 min read

Bring your frozen embryos and sperm to Care

You may not know that if you freeze your embryos or freeze your sperm at another clinic, ...
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Care Fertility TeamSep 242 min read

What happens after your egg collection?

For most patients once eggs have been collected, they will be fertilised in the ...
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Care Fertility TeamSep 243 min read

Can a miscarriage affect your fertility?

Miscarriages can be devastating, especially if you have undergone fertility treatment or ...
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Care Fertility TeamSep 242 min read

Things to Consider Before Egg Donation

Becoming an egg donor is a generous and rewarding experience, knowing you will be making ...
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