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Care Fertility Team

We are putting the Care into Fertility, and promise to do everything in our power to make your dream come true.

Blog Post by Care Fertility Team

Care Fertility TeamSep 242 min read

Common fertility myths: explained

As soon as you begin to research fertility online, you will find lots of information and ...
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Care Fertility TeamSep 243 min read

What to expect at your first consultation

When you have selected the right clinic for you, it can help you feel prepared if you ...
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Care Fertility TeamSep 243 min read

Embracing shared motherhood: how Care Fertility supports your journey

Shared motherhood, also known as reciprocal IVF, is an empowering option for same-sex ...
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Care Fertility TeamSep 242 min read

5 things a man can do to prepare for IVF

Did you know, it is just as important for a man to prepare for IVF as it is for a woman? ...
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Care Fertility TeamSep 247 min read

What does your menstrual cycle say about your fertility?

Many find the menstrual cycle a helpful way to understand your body. If you are beginning ...
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Care Fertility TeamSep 242 min read

A Guide to Ultrasound at Care Manchester

Depending on what type of scan you’re having, we might be trying to identify a potential ...
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Care Fertility TeamSep 245 min read

Everything you need to know about donating your eggs

Are you considering donating your eggs? Helping someone else to have a family of their ...
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Care Fertility TeamSep 243 min read

The role nurses play in fertility

Nurses play a pivotal role in comforting and guiding patients throughout treatment. They ...
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Care Fertility TeamSep 244 min read

I have endometriosis, can I get pregnant?

Endometriosis is a condition that affects millions of women worldwide, it’s estimated ...
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Care Fertility TeamSep 243 min read

Can nutrition influence IVF outcome?

It is well known that some of the poorest parts of the world, where nutritional levels ...
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